

Fixed and removable orthopaedics and orthodontics

Our orthodontics team will work with you to:

  • recognise and diagnose developing malocclusions and crowding
  • implement early interceptive treatment (eg retrain to eliminate bad habits, orthodontics / orthopaedic appliances, early extractions)
  • plan for optimal timing of future orthodontic treatment

Specialist Orthodontists

We can refer you to trusted specialists if you require advanced orthodontic treatment to ensure the best outcomes for you or your child.e.g.

  • lingual braces (braces hidden on the back of the teeth)
  • orthognathic surgery – where an excessively prominent and/or retruded jaw can be surgically repositioned by a surgeon
  • or just clear orthodontic aligners eg “Invisalign”

Orthopaedic appliances may shorten the time for braces to be worn

An orthopaedic appliance may be recommended to expand the jaws, usually by way of forces on the teeth. This helps to correct the skeletal irregularity and allow space to concurrently, or subsequently, align the teeth (orthodontically).

Interceptive treatment such as a removable or fixed orthopaedic type appliance(s) to expand the jaws to accommodate the teeth can limit future crowding. Which in turn may facilitate or shorten the time need for later braces, or possibly even prevent the need for braces.

These orthopaedic appliances are often less visually obtrusive than classical braces and are well suited to use in a still-growing child to enhance the direction of growth of the jaws.

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