Wellsites & My Dental Marketing

Warning Possible Outage

An upgrade to the underlying layers of WordPress will be carried out by our hosting company There is no expected downtime. However there sometimes can be unexpected problems so we obviously can’t guarantee that there be no zero downtime. Any clients live before May 2014 – Omega Server Upgrades are schduled for Friday 23rd October… Continue Reading

Scheduled Outage

Please note that we have been informed that there will be a scheduled server outage on Wednesday 9th April at 6AM AEST. This will affect all website hosting & email The outage is expected to take less than an hour and all sites should be available by start of the working day. We apologise the… Continue Reading

Is my website down

You can’t access your site, not sure if it’s just you  or all your clients can’t visit your site either? Just run http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/. Enter your domain name and it will tell you if your website is down for everyone or just you. If it is just you, then it is likely that yout IP address… Continue Reading

Re: Website Hosting Issues

Re: Website Hosting Issues

As promised, here is the additional information regarding the website outages: A vulnerability was found on the server which had been exploited enabling the DNS to be modified and the routing of some sites on the server to be redirected.  It was a hybrid version of the a Kaminsky attack (http://unixwiz.net/techtips/iguide-kaminsky-dns-vuln.html) This has now been… Continue Reading

Website Hosting Issues

Website Hosting Issues

We are currently experiencing a security issue with our Website hosting. Our websites along with others have faced a serious security attack today. Our hosting company is working to resolve the issue. Updates are being posted at https://www.qiq.co.uk/portal/networkissues.php. We will also keep you informed of the progress We apologise for the inconvenience, please be assured… Continue Reading


Plugins are tools to extend the functionality of WordPress.  Plugins offer custom functions and features so that each user can tailor their site to their specific needs. It is important to discuss Plugins, as most backup products discussed in this user guide are Plugins. The method to install a plugin is identical. They all follow… Continue Reading
