Wellsites & My Dental Marketing


WordPress have a code that allows you gives “next / back” links at the bottom of the article. very useful if you have a very long page. <!–nextpage–> Did you know you could split a single post up into different web pages by just typing <!–nextpage–> in your post? Called the Page-Link tag, place your… Continue Reading

Splitting up a large page

If you have a very long WordPress Page you might want to introduce pagination. Well wordpress has an in-built shortcode to do this. You need to switch to Text Mode Place your cursor appoxiametely where you want to split the page then enter the following short code on it’s on line <!–nextpage–> switch back to… Continue Reading

On-Line Video Tutorials

On-Line Video Tutorials

To help our customers learn WordPress, Wellsites have introduced on-line video tutorials and on-line WordPress Manual. Both the manual and Video are located within your website, once you have logged in to your dashboard.   Video Tutorials Go to Manuals – Video Scroll down the list to find the video you are interested and just… Continue Reading

Create a “Hidden” Page

There are times when a page needs to be created but you do not wish to place it on the navigation menu. Examples: Creating a thank you page that is only viewed when a form is submitted Creating a page that can ONLY be accessed if a hyperlink is clicked on. There are 2 methods… Continue Reading

Remove Title From Page

By default the Page Title shown with the navigation bar is automatically displayed on the webpage:   Occasionally, especially on the Home Page, this might not be desirable. Simple  Edit the Page you wish to switch the page title off. Scroll towards the bottom of the page until you see Theme Options within the sidebar.… Continue Reading
