Wellsites & My Dental Marketing


MacMail Login to your webmail account. Click on Configure email client to find server and port settings. We have 2 types of mail settings: Option A – secure (using SSL) and non-secure  (grey area) Option B – non-secure   We highly receommend that you use Option A. We have 2 servers to host our clients:… Continue Reading

change mailbox password

login to your webmail account. This is always your domain name followed by webmail. E.g If my domain is www.mycompany.com.au;   to access my webmail account will be http://mycompany.com.au/webmail click on change password icon change your password. The password must be of strength 70 or above otherwise it might not take effect. Password should be… Continue Reading

SPAM Filters

Filters to discard any unwated email can be set-up directly through your webmail account. Url to webmail:  http:/yourdomain.com.au/webmail enter your username and password It is recommended that you look into purchasing specific software that is compatible with your computer and email program. Third party software normally provided greater control. USEFUL TIP Mark email as SPAM… Continue Reading

Mailbox is full

It is important to cleared down your mailbox, if you been notified that is nearly full. Once the mailbox is full, you will not receive any emails and your clients will receive a mail delivery failed message. All your emails are stored within your domain. You can access them directly:  http://mycompanydomain.com.au/webmail. A Document conataining your… Continue Reading

Outlook rejected your login with Secure Password Authentication

Log onto incoming mail server (POP3): Your e-mail server rejected your login with Secure Password Authentication (SPA). Verify your account properties. Under Tools, click E-mail accounts. There have been documentated issues with Outlook when setting up an email account and ticking “Require logon using Secure Password Authentication” Box. This is mostly in version Microsoft Outlook… Continue Reading

Problems with MAC email

If you are having problems setting your email on MAC, try the following steps  Open Mail Go to Mail, Preferences Select the accounts option from the top of the page Click the mail account concerned on the left of the page Select the “Advanced” tab Deselect “Use SSL” Select the “Account Information” tab In the… Continue Reading

How do I access my webmail?

How do I access my webmail?

option1: There is a link in your footer called webmail which will allow you to access webmail. option2: In your browser enter your webaddress followed by webmail e.g mycompanyname.com.au/webmail. A webmail document is sent by Wellsites providing details of your login, password and how to access webmail. The document also provides information on how to… Continue Reading


You can create filters to try and cut down on email spam. Login to your webmail account: domainname.co/webmail. Click on Email Filter Icon. Then you can set the filter against a subject, email address etc. If it is a yahoo address, you can report them directly to Yahoo. http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/mail/classic/spam.html Continue Reading
