Wellsites & My Dental Marketing

Twitter Feeds

You may be viewing this page because the old version of Twitter Feed no longer works. This is because of an update Twitter made where they shut down v1 of their API and promoted their Embedded Timeline. 1) Register at https://dev.twitter.com/apps/new and create a new app. 2) After registering, fill in App name, e.g. “domain… Continue Reading

Adding Mp3 Audio to your site

Adding an MP3 to your website is very simple.MP3 audio files are uploaded in the same way as an image file is uploaded. WordPress now recognizes MP3 and has it’s in-built MP3 player. Click on Add Media button as you would to add an image: Upload your MP3 Insert the Mp3 into your Post/Page This… Continue Reading

Google Analytics

Google Analytics

Google Analytics collects statistics for about visitors to website.  Information about what is collected can be fully customised. The information can help improve your SEO rankings. Reports can be emailed to you on a regular basis. In order to collect statistics,  Wellsites require the UA-xxxx code generated Step1. Sign For Google Analytics If you already… Continue Reading

Centering YouTube Videos

Centering YouTube Videos

The normal centre align withinWordpress formatting bar will not allow you to center YouTube video. Instead simple html code will need to be applied. This same method can be apllied to google maps. Insert your YouTube video within wordpress post/page. Switch to HTML mode Find the code related to YouTube Video. This normally starts with… Continue Reading

Create a Button

This will require a little of bit of html. It will also depend on your theme. To create the  following button [button link=”#”]Create a Button[/button]   Create your hyperlink as normal. switch to html mode Find your hyperlink. Hyper links always begin with <a   and end in </a> Just before href=”http:// ….     enter the following … Continue Reading
