Wellsites & My Dental Marketing

Edit an Image

go to relevant post/page click on image to select it. to delete and image edit an image. Select to edit Use this window to add captions, align image to left, right etc to image ALT TEXT is used by Visually impaired browsers and Search Engines.  Place Keyword/phrases for SEO here.     Continue Reading

Adding Media WordPress 3.5

Adding Media WordPress 3.5

The main change within WordPress 3.5 is the look and feel of when you add an image to your page/post. Before you were presented with an option to  Upload your file from your computer (by default). Now you are presented with your Media Library. All options and information are now held on a single page.… Continue Reading

Adding Hyperlinks and Text Formatting to Image Captions

From WordPress 3.4,  you can format your captions and add hyperlinks to your captions, using HTML.  Basic HTML  Bold  <strong>Bold</strong>  Italics  <em>Italics</em>  My hyperlink to Wellsites  <a href=”http://www.wellsites.com.au”>My hyperlink toWellsites</a> If you don’t know, HTML don’t worry. Create your caption sentence within a draft wordpress page. Add the hyperlinks and any formatting you require e.g… Continue Reading

Drag and Drop Media Uploader

Adding photos or other files to posts and pages just got easier. Drag files from your desktop and drop them into the uploader. Add one file at a time, or many at once. Select the Media Library or the Media Upload button within a wordpress page or post to upload images as normal.   Two… Continue Reading

Resize Images For The Web

  Use  free website that allow you to shrink your images and make them web friendly. ShrinkPictures Smush It Image Optimizer GIFBot Web Resizer Dynamic Drive Image Optimizer Online Image Compression iResize PunyPng   Please read the following article that provides more detailed information Top 10 Free Online Tools to Reduce Image Size for Web Continue Reading

Useful Resources for Images

Stock Photos Great places for stock photos to include in your website: Free Photos Stock.XCHNG – Wellsites favourite! Morguefile – another good site Jupiter Images Stock Free Images Big Stock.com Photos to pay for iStock Resizing Images for the Web There are many photo software that allow you to Save Your Image for the Web:… Continue Reading

SEO for Images

Your Images on your website provide another excellent avenue for SEO. Alternate Text field within each image is used by both Visually Impaired Browsers and by Search Engines.   So added rich descriptive text to help boost your SEO Ratings.   Continue Reading
