All websites have been moved over to a new server.
The old server has now been decommissioned as from the 18th May. If you are experiencing connection issues this can be because:
a. You use an A Record to direct traffic to the server and this is currently still pointing to the old server IP. You will need to update the A record to the IP address and allow 24 hours for propagation.
b. You have a mySQL database and do not use Localhost as the address for the database, but the IP address, which also needs updating to
c. Generally using an IP address in any operation rather than your domain name.
If you need further assistance, please let us know.
New Security
A new level of security has been added to websites.
If you are getting a “forbidden” error when attempting to login to your dashboard please email with your IP address.
We will need the IP from everyone who has permission to add content to your website and from each device they use.